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BFUniv, BFU college, self-directed e-learning, Bastiat Free University

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Squidoo For BFU

There is now a new lens for Bastiat Free University over at the Squidoo playground.

Please go take a look, take the poll, and if you wish come back here and give an opinion.

If you find a mistake please let us know - it is better to hear about it from friends.

What the Squidoo lens will allow is a one page, up front, in your face summary of BFU.

It still needs some work, it will even have to suffer with a picture of me. It may have to be a line drawing as the cameras keep breaking.

The emphasis is on BFU as an alternative to standard colleges and their standard rhetoric.

In fact it may come off as a bit of a rant, we will see what plays out and if I tone it down a bit later. Probably not - this will be a good place to send those people that want an argument - give them some information so they understand what they are fighting.

I would rather fight long and hard without reward for a good cause that will eventually succeed, than win easy victories in a worthless cause that will eventually fail.

On to success with Bastiat Free University.


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