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* BFU Weekly Journal *
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The BFU Story

The BFU story is a scaled personal story.

When setting your own personal goals it is important to keep developing new goals as you approach success. Stepped goals keep you from reaching a climax with a following let down that leaves you without purpose.

Our educational system is in danger of such a let down. The education establishment designed "one size fits many" schools for the industrial age. These schools are quickly becoming obsolete. Technologically empowered students and shrinking bureaucracies are encountering micro finance in a perfect storm of educational change.

It is time to support the future of education, creating goals that will ensure enabling schools for the next millennium. This is where Bastiat Free University enters the scene with its story.

When you support Bastiat Free University you are supporting the future. Yes, you can continue to contribute to brick and mortar colleges and still have an impact, but they are a diminishing asset and the value of your contribution will diminish with them. With the largest colleges your donation is further diminished by the huge endowments they already enjoy. Your college donation is but a drop in their donations giving ocean.

No matter if you support Bastiat Free University by becoming a student, telling others, or by planned giving; you are making a difference that will endure well past this current era.

The BFU story is about setting new educational goals, the old goals are almost completed.


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