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Friday, December 15, 2006

School Choice and Alternative Education

It may be time for us to think about creating a central resource of easy to find information, and our opinions, about alternative education.

I have found a format that should work well over at Squidoo. The following is not an advertisement, it is just some background. If you are familiar skip the next two paragraphs.

For those of you unfamiliar with the squid, it is a collection of one page modular lenses each focused on a single subject. Unlike blog entries it is always a front page and is easy to update if the author wishes. This makes a Squidoo lens both loved by google and very sticky - the impact just keeps growing.

You can build a quality lens in about the same amount of time it takes to write two or three quality blog posts of normal size. They are free to create and offer the chance to make a bit of cash for yourself or charity.

Alternative Education is the theme for a group of lenses I have just built.

Don't just take a look but also consider building a lens to add to the group. The more diverse lenses available the better the resource, and the more google will direct searchers to this central repository of our insights and experience.

Visit the other lenses and support them by comments, rating them, or noting them to delicious. Your lens can be used to direct visitors wherever you wish, use links on it to drive traffic and add page rank to your blogs and sites.

I have also invited supporters of public education to create their own group of lenses and I will reciprocate links so searchers can get the full story and make up their own minds.

I guess we could consider this the first carnival of school choice on Squidoo.

It will be fun.


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