An Independent Mind
For those of you that have watched the movie Braveheart, you have some understanding of an independent mind. So did Robert Burns; he provided this to us about 1795 as his take on the address of Bruce to his Scots, a people of very independent mind.
Fiercely independent, and seeking no overlord, Robert Burns also gave us this:
Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has often led,
Welcome to your gory bed
Or to Victorie!
Now's the day, and now's the hour:
See the front o' battle lour,
See approach proud Edward's power
Chains and slaverie!
An Inscription For An Alter Of Independence
At Kerroughtree, the Seat of Mr. Heron.
Thou of an independent mind ,
With soul resolv'd, with soul resign'd;
Prepar'd Power's proudest frown to brave,
Who wilt not be, nor have a slave;
Virtue alone who dost revere,
Thy own reproach alone dost fear --
Approach this shrine, and worship here.
Thou of an independent mind.
Bastiat Free University draws inspiration from those that centuries before were unafraid to stand for liberty.
BFU offers you the wealth of centuries, comprised of knowledge, at your fingertips.
What you do with this knowledge is your choice.
Are You of an independent mind?

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