The Future in One Lesson
The future of society is a guess, the future of education is an unfolding mystery, your future is in doubt. That does not keep us from specific guesses; and it should not stop you either.
If you did not get the e-mail you can find it under news on the login / free registration page at the BFU lms front page. If you would like to receive the next newsletter also - register at no cost, all students get the letter quarterly.
There is also a bit on the current state of BFU and even a bit on what to anticipate next. It would be worthwhile to read this one at least to get yourself thinking on what is about to happen.
Don't allow yourself to be carried by the events around you unknowingly into the sewers of the future - help create the future you want and you will help create a better future for all.
"No great man of letters is absorbed by the stream in which he swims." - Chaim Potok