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BFUniv, BFU college, self-directed e-learning, Bastiat Free University

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A Marketing - Sales -Business Lesson

This is a free e-book.

The subject matter is a vertically optimized internet business, the marketing implications are valuable for any business.

It is worth the read not only for content - but for how that content was organized.

If you have your own business, or you are considering starting a business, there is a great deal to be learned by studying this short e-book.

The fellow that wrote this book took his target audience and the benefits of his product as an outline for the presentation.

The product is good - you will notice right off that I bought into it. Of interest here is that you can get a good marketing lesson by deconstructing the organization used to move you through David's presentation.

Your assignment is to take this e-book and decide how to use the well executed style in the most effective way to enhance your own business.

The test is to track your results.

Seven Super Strategies
- by David MacGregor


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