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* BFU Weekly Journal *
documenting creation of a
Visionaries Learning Center

Bastiat Free University offers internationally accessible and actionable student-directed learning to visionaries and entrepreneurs.
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BFUniv, BFU college, self-directed e-learning, Bastiat Free University

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Register for classes


We are not yet done building the site, but you can still register and look over the class requirements.

You may want to start at the start; but since freedom is one of our driving forces, do what you want. If you want to go straight to the free registration page and sign up, go for it. If you want to look us over a bit after that, go back to the introduction.

By June 15, 2005 there should be 5 courses available in each college; Business, Human Interaction, Liberty, and Theology. By our Grand opening on the 29th of June the class structure and requirements will be stabilized and we will start adding more classes.

Once registered, download some class material, or consider acquiring some of the course books. Your purpose is to learn; you know you; use our resources to assist your style. You will notice that we use inexpensive, generally available books; find them used if you can.

Enjoy the journey.


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